Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Approach

Time: 10:02 pm
Weather: Rainy
Music: the hum of the fish tank
Mood: rejuvenated and relaxed

       If you guys didn't know, I am a very visual person. I need to see things in action - moving and twisting within an interactive environment. Therefore in order to better encapsulate the previous entry I have created a Prezi in the hope of better visualizing this planning process. I believe that if I am able to clearly construct an image and or feeling that I can then share, I've made significant progress towards achieving my goal! Below is a link to the planning process and I hope you enjoy!

Instructions for using Prezi:

  1. Once the page has loaded click on the box in the bottom right hand corner
  2. Then click "Allow"
  3. Use arrow keys to navigate through the presentation 

Link: The Approach


  1. Amazing!

    Reminds me of Saito's "Leap of Faith" conversation with Cobb in INCEPTION. :D

  2. Dude! Great Stuff! This is what I needed to read. Thanks bro!

  3. no worries guys i'm glad you enjoyed it :)
